Staging Tips for Professional Pictures


Optimize your Lake Norman home’s appeal for professional photos with Nagy Properties' staging tips. Inside, strike a balance between de-cluttering and creating a warm, inviting space. Let natural light in by opening curtains and turning on all lights, while ensuring all bulbs are bright and matching. Turn off ceiling fans and clean up by removing trash, vacuuming carpets, and mopping floors. In the kitchen, clear countertops and move trash cans to the garage. Make beds, clear bedside tables, and remove personal items from bedrooms. For bathrooms, remove toiletries and used towels, and ensure everything is clean and fresh. Keep the dining room table clear or set with a simple centerpiece, and tidy the entryway by removing shoes and jackets. Lastly, ensure pets and their accessories are out of sight. For more tips and assistance, contact us at 704-533-3838.
  • DE-CLUTTER: A cluttered home feels chaotic and small, but a bare house feels empty and cold. Find a happy medium.
  • LET NATURAL LIGHT IN: Open all curtains and blinds.
  • TURN ON ALL LIGHTS: Fill your home with light by turning on all overhead lights, lamps, etc are on. Make sure all light bulbs are working, bright, and the same.
  • CLEAN UP: The house doesn’t have to be spotless, but make sure all trash is cleared, carpets are vacuumed, wood floors mopped. Put remote controls, trash cans, and cords out of sight.
  • KITCHEN: Clear off countertops including cookware, knives, appliances, paper towels, etc. Make sure refrigerator/freezer is free of magnets and pictures. Remove dishes from sink. Move trashcan to garage.
  • BEDROOMS: Make beds. Clear bedside tables. Take down any personal items that you do not want to be photographed. Close dresser drawers and pick up any clothes. Remove hamper.
  • BATHROOMS: Remove all toiletries from showers, countertops, etc.  Remove used towels and place fresh towels in the bathrooms. Clean toilets, bathtubs, mirrors, and sinks. Put down toilet lid.
  • DINING ROOM: Keep dining room table clear or you may have a simple center piece and set the table. Remove any high chairs/booster seats.
  • ENTRY WAY: Remove shoes, jackets, keys, sunglasses, etc.
  • PETS: Please put pets in a safe place that will no be photographed. Remove pet crates, bowls, beds, litterbox, food containers, leashes, etc.


  • REMOVE tools, toys, garden hoses or other objects.
  • SWEEP front walkway and clean up after pets.
  • TRIM the lawn, hedges, or trees as needed.
  • MOW and edge lawn.
  • REMOVE CARS from driveway.
  • REMOVE TRASHCANS from side of home so they are out of sight (in garage or at curb)
  • CLEAN patio furniture, grill (undercover if good condition), etc. Place outdoor pillows on furniture.
  • AVOID scheduling a photo session on trash day.
Enhance your Lake Norman home's curb appeal with Nagy Properties' exterior staging tips. Trim tree limbs and shrubs, refresh mulch, and replace dead plants. Repaint or replace the mailbox and apply new numbers, and maintain a well-mowed yard. Clean or replace exterior light fixtures, and address any repairs needed for entry doors, windows, and siding. Install splash blocks and gutter extensions, clean the driveway, and add colorful plants near the front entry. Place a new welcome mat to create a welcoming atmosphere. For expert advice and assistance, call us at 704-533-3838.

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